I built a workstation with the intent of doing 3D work from home at the end of 2019. It was an exciting and rewarding process, and I was elated when it was all put together and I pushed the power button and it actually fired up on the first try! Now I had to put my machine to use. I had been using Cinema 4D on a regular basis for work, and had gotten a little familiar with it, but was not interested in procuring a copy for at home. I had heard a lot about how capable blender was and was curious to explore for myself. I resolved to produce one still image render out of Blender 3D every day. I began by following tutorials. I got familiar with the render engines and basic texturing and lighting. It was rewarding to explore a new (to me) very capable and exciting tool based off of principles and fundamentals I was familiar with from Cinema4D. Here are a few of my favorite images from my explorations:

Day 056.jpg
Day 065.jpg
Day 036.jpg
Day 062.jpg
Day 035.jpg
Day 038.jpg
Day 041.jpg
Day 074b.jpg
Day 069.jpg