Based of the creative direction and a script from our team at CRASH+SUES, I produced a series of campaign videos for our client Vectra AI. I was responsible for creating storyboards, motion design, and all character animation. Huge credit goes out to our crew at C+S who helped me execute on this series of videos, giving constructive feedback, assists, and suggestions as we made it all happen.

  • While the main part of my work personally was to storyboard, and execute a brand video, the collaborative work started months earlier as we developed the concept for an entire year-long campaign. Our entire team pitched in on ideation and visual development while copy writers came up with the verbal direction. My part of the concepting stage was to design and illustrate the little monster characters representing Vectra’s AI technology for detecting cyber threats.

  • Once the sales kick off and brand videos were complete, we modified the audio and some of the animation to create cutdowns for social media and streaming.

  • Some of the deliverables were web-based, so naturally I re-created an interactive version of one of the characters in an interactive format.